Since 2011, ESPRit has organised annual conferences all over Europe. The Conferences allow members to share their research results around a common theme and to hold their Annual General Meeting. 

Please click on the links below to consult the program of each conference and watch photos or videos. Papers from most of the conferences have been published in the Journal of European Periodical Studies

Upcoming conference

2025 ESPRit Conference: "Periodicals as Cultural Assemblages" (3–5 September 2025, Málaga)

Past conferences

2024 ESPRit Conference: "Periodicals: S.T.E.A.M. AHEAD!" (11-13 September 2024, Urbino)

2023 ESPRit Conference: "Periodicals and Belonging" (27-29 June 2023, Leeds)

2022 ESPRit Conference: "Periodicals beyond Hierarchies: Challenging Geopolitical and Social “Centres” and “Peripheries” through the Press." (7-9 September 2022, Budapest)

2021 ESPRit Conference: "Periodical Formats in the Market: Economies of Space and Time, Competition and Transfer / Periodische Formate auf dem Markt: Ökonomien von Raum und Zeit, Konkurrenz und Transfer" (1-17 June 2021, Bochum)

2019 ESPRit Conference: "Periodicals and Visual Culture" (11-13 September 2019, National Library of Greece, Athens)

2018 ESPRit Conference: "Periodicals in between - Periodicals in the Ecology of Print and Visual Cultures" (26–29 June, BNF, INALCO, and Sorbonne University)

2017 ESPRit Conference: "Conflict in the Periodical Press" (28-30 June, International University of Languages and Media, Milan)

2016 ESPRit Conference: "Periodical Counter Cultures: Tradition, Conformity and Dissent" (7-8 July, Liverpool John Moores University)

2015 ESPRit Conference: "Politics and Periodicals" (10-11 September, The Nordic Museum, Stockholm)

2014 ESPRit Conference: "Backroom business: the production of periodicals" (10-11 April, Radboud University Nijmegen)

2012 ESPRit Conference: "The Magazine as Medium" (5-6 October, Ghent University)

2011 ESPRit Conference: "Periodicals Across Europe" (9-10 December, The Burgess Foundation, Manchester)