ESPRit was formally registered as a research society with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce in 2018. The first annual general meeting decided to put in place a paid membership structure to support our activities as a community of scholars, including an annual conference, postgraduate workshops and bursaries, and the publication of our peer-reviewed online Journal of European Periodical Studies (JEPS). Paid-up members are granted a vote at the annual general meetings and discounts at future events. 


Membership fees are as follows:

  • Basic fee: €30 per year
  • Reduced fee: €15 per year (for postgraduate, unaffiliated, and retired members)
  • In addition, Founding Membership is granted to any member who makes an initial donation of €150 or more

Please fill in the form below to register as a member of the Society. In case you are new to ESPRit, we recommend that you also subscribe to our mailing list.


Membership registration form

Please let us know your name.

Please let us know your email address.

Please write a subject for your message.

Please let us know your message.

Please indicate your preferred type of membership. Our treasurer will send you an annual invoice for your contribution.

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In order to help us set up the Society, you are kindly invited to make an additional donation to ESPRit. If you donate €150 or more at your first registration, you will be mentioned as a Founding Member on our website, should you wish so. NB: this initial donation replaces the regular membership fee, which will become applicable from the second year onwards.
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Privacy disclaimer: by submitting this form, you authorize ESPRit to register your personal data for administrative purposes and send you an invoice for your chosen membership fee or donation.
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