2021 ESPRit Conference: "Periodical Formats in the Market"
Periodical Formats in the Market: Economies of Space and Time, Competition and Transfer / Periodische Formate auf dem Markt: Ökonomien von Raum und Zeit, Konkurrenz und Transfer
Conference overview
1–17 June 2021
organised by the DFG Research Unit 2288 Journal Literature
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the 9th conference of the European Society for Periodical Research at Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, will be held online. The virtual event aims to bring scholars together, to present and discuss recent work on periodicals, to meet in virtual coffee breaks, to get in touch, and to keep in touch. We welcome proposals from researchers at all stages of their careers from various disciplines.
1-13 June 2021:
Watch and comment pre-recorded presentations at the conference website
11 June 2021:
Postgraduate Workshop
14–17 June 2021:
Online conference with live sesssins: Keynotes, Plenary Panels, Roundtable
ESPRit Annual Business Meeting (for paying members of ESPRit - to register, click here)
Further information
For more information, please go to the conference website: esprit2021.blogs.ru
For more information, please go to the conference website: esprit2021.blogs.ruhr-uni-bochum.de, or consult the Conference Programme: ESPRit2021_Conference_Programme.pdf
Contact:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
ESPRit Postgraduate Workshop on Periodical Studies
(plus preceding Workshop on Academic Poster Presentations)
11 June 2021
(15 & 22 April 2021)
Deadline for 500-word abstracts: 28 February 2021
In conjunction with the virtual 9th ESPRit Conference “Periodical Formats in the Market”, a virtual postgraduate workshop will be held on 11 June 2021. The workshop is open to postgraduate students working on any topic with regard to periodicals from any historical period, geographical origin, and cultural context. Personalised feedback will be offered by a committee comprising ESPRit members and members of the DFG Research Unit 2288 Journal Literature.
In addition to the virtual workshop an 11 June 2021, there will be an online workshop on 15 & 22 April 2021 where all workshop participants will get a professional training on the concept and design of academic posters (15 April) and their effective presentations (22 April).
This workshop will be held in English by a communication designer and trainer via ZOOM.
To apply, please send a 500-word abstract of the thesis to be presented in a poster presentation and a short CV (150 words) including name, institutional affiliation, and email address to the organisers no later than 28 February 2021 (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
We look forward to welcoming you to the virtual workshop!