The Journal of European Periodical Studies invites submissions for its Open Issue 10.2 (Winter 2025). JEPS is a bi-annual, peer-reviewed, diamond open access journal published by Ghent University and the flagship journal of ESPRit, the European Society for Periodical Research. JEPS publishes articles on any aspect of the study of periodicals (magazines, newspapers, and other periodical publications) in Europe — in its broadest sense — from the seventeenth century to the present. 
For the Open Issue, JEPS welcomes a wide range of critical, theoretical, and methodological perspectives on the periodical press, including, but not limited to, history, literary studies, art history, visual culture, gender studies, media studies, history of science, and digital humanities. We particularly welcome submissions that consider European periodicals in a broader transnational, cross-language, cross-period, or interdisciplinary context. 
Papers should be between 5,000 and 8,000 words, prepared according to the JEPS author guidelines, and submitted through the online submission portal at
Deadline for submissions: 1 December 2025
JEPS articles: some highlights

1. Céline Mansanti, “Mainstreaming the Avant-Garde: Modernism in Life Magazine (New York, 1883–1936).” Journal of European Periodical Studies, 1.2 (Winter 2016).
2. Marie Nedregotten Sørbø, “Fourfold Female: Birgithe Kühle’s Pioneer Norwegian Journal Provincial-Lecture (1794) and Her European Book Collection”, Journal of European Periodical Studies, 6.1 (Summer 2021) .
3. Fabio Guidali, “Developing Middlebrow Culture in Fascist Italy: The Case of Rizzoli’s Illustrated Magazines” Journal of European Periodical Studies, 4.2 (Winter 2019).
4. Johanne Slettvoll Kristiansen, “Newspaper Debates in Late Eighteenth-Century England: ‘Letters to the Editor’ versus the Political Pamphlet.” Journal of European Periodical Studies, 6.1 (Summer 2021).
5. Jeroen Vanheste, “The Reconstruction of the European Mind: T. S. Eliot’s Criterion and the Idea of Europe.” Journal of European Periodical Studies, 3.2 (Winter 2018).