Welcome to ESPRit
Welcome to the European Society for Periodical Research. Since its inception in 2009, ESPRit has proven its value as an international network for periodical researchers. We are proud of our inspiring annual conferences which bring together scholars from inside and outside of Europe and of the peer-reviewed Open Access Journal of European Periodical Studies (JEPS) which has entered its ninth year.
Until recently, ESPRit membership has been informal, consisting mainly of a subscription to our mailing list. In July 2019, a paid membership system was put into place. Periodical scholars who wish to support the Society, participate in its annual meetings, and benefit from discounts at future events, are kindly invited to register their membership by clicking on the button below.
JEPS 9.2 is out!
We are pleased to announce the publication of Volume 9, Issue 2 of the Journal of European Periodical Studies. As the editor-in-chief, Cedric Van Dijck, notes: "JEPS 9.2 spotlights the latest work in periodical studies. The issue gestures across Europe and across the past three centuries. Its articles cover exciting new territory, with discussions of turn-of-the-century itinerant showpeople's periodicals, portraits of James Joyce in London's Greek newspaper Hē Hesperia, and the Hungarian periodical press—from nineteenth-century fashion magazines to avant-garde publications. And much more!". Discover the issue.
Call for Papers for the 13th ESPRit annual conference: extended deadline
The conference devoted to "Periodicals as Cultural Assemblages" will be held at the University of Málaga, 3-5 September. Find the full call here.
Please submit your proposal to the organizing committee by 14 March 2025. The conference will be preceded by a postgraduate workshop, which is currently inviting submissions as well.
Brian Maidment, Emeritus Professor of the History of Print at Liverpool John Moores University, passed away on 28th January 2025. Brian played a pivotal role in shaping the field of periodical studies and was a founding member of the European Society for Periodical Research. Brian organised the 2016 ESPRit conference in Liverpool on "Periodical Counter Cultures: Tradition, Conformity and Dissent" and was an exceptionally generous mentor to generations of young scholars.
Renowned for his research on 19th-century print culture, including illustration, almanacks, and popular prints, he authored very influential books, such as Reading Popular Prints 1790-1870 and Comedy, Caricature and the Social Order.
ESPRit would like to emphasise that we have lost not only a giant in the field of periodical studies but also a wonderful person who made a significant impact on many lives. He will be deeply missed by all who had the privilege of knowing him.
Journal of European Periodical Studies: New Editor-In-Chief Cedric van Dijck
JEPS is delighted to announce that as of January 2025, Dr. Cedric van Dijck (VUB) has taken over as Editor-in-Chief. Cedric writes:
"After four years as book reviews editor, I am very pleased to take up this new role on the editorial team of the Journal of European Periodical Studies. Marianne Van Remoortel has expertly steered JEPS through its first decade, and, in no small part because of her efforts, it is now an established journal in the field. I look forward to continuing this work together with a dedicated team of editors."
We congratulate Cedric and look forward to this new chapter.
ESPRit online seminars
In order to build our online ESPRit community, we regularly organise one-hour online seminars. For an overview of past seminars and to watch the recordings, please click here. Proposals for future seminars can be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Migration from Listserv tot Google Groups
In December 2022, the European Society for Periodical Research has moved its news and mailing list service to Google Groups. The Listserv mailing list is no longer active. Please join our Google Group if you wish to receive information about our annual conferences, new issues of the Journal for European Periodical Studies and other news concerning ESPRit. Subscribers can also use the Google Group service to exchange information, ask questions, or share new publications with the periodical research community. More information.